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Which factors determine the wear degree of the slurry pump

NewsTime: 2023-10-13

In mining and oil industry, slurry pump plays an indispensable role. Even though we pay high attention to routine maintenance, the slurry pumps 

that transport slurry in complex environments still face severe wear and tear. Among them, the wear of the impeller is the number one problem.

So, where does the wear of the slurry pump come from?

First of all, the characteristics of solid-liquid mixture have significant influence on the wear of slurry pump. When conveying medium, the solid particles

 of different sizes undoubtedly increase the wear degree of the slurry pump.

Secondly, the characteristics of the solid particles also play a key role. In the process of conveying slurry, the particle size and hardness of solid medium 

will directly affect the wear of slurry pump.

In addition, the structural selection parameters of the pump itself are also factors that cannot be ignored. Choosing the right type of slurry pump is essential 

to reduce wear, which can otherwise lead to unnecessary waste and severe wear.

In addition, the pump speed or impeller design also affects the wear of the slurry pump. As a part of easy wear, the impeller must be given enough attention

 when selecting.


Finally, the material choice of the pump is equally critical. In the face of strong acid, strong alkaline transport media, wear resistance, the consideration of this

 aspect is also indispensable.

In order to minimize the wear of the slurry pump, we must start from the above aspects, comprehensively consider, choose the most appropriate materials, 

structures, parameters, etc., to provide a solid guarantee for the stable operation of the mining and oil industries.

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