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Slurry pump weight

NewsTime: 2023-07-07

Why do I tell you about weight first? Because weight is a simple and commonly used method.

Because the sales price is relatively high, the large slurry pump manufacturers are very responsible for the casting aspect, and they are more strict from all aspects, so few large slurry pump manufacturers will fill it well in this respect.

The casting cost of the slurry pump is mostly calculated by weight, if configured in accordance with the specified proportion of raw materials, it is the sum of weight * unit price + grinding processing fee + normalizing fee + labor cost, etc., although others can be saved in this, but it is a small value, and the large amount is from the weight. For example, an impeller is 50 kg according to the requirements of the drawings, but if the reduction can reach 35 kg, the difference between 15 kg, per kg calculated by 30 yuan, that saves 450 yuan, this is not a small number, how much does an impeller sell? Calculate the proportion to know, which is why the price of a small accessory can vary a lot. (Panshi slurry pump industry reminds you: do not coax cheap!)


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